Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Chase is On....

In the society we live in today, there are some many things that we chase after. We chase after relationships, love, money and power, but does any of it really satisfy us? I think I have reached a point in my life where I am beginning to become tired of chasing and are growing more and more paralyzed. Don't get me wrong there are some areas, like my career, that I am running towards a future goal but other areas, especially my spiritual walk, I feel have been stagnant for a long time. This is why I have recently embarked on a journey where I am striving to becoming healthier and more active both spiritually and physically. In terms of my spiritual health I would like to stop chasing all the things of this world and start once again chasing after the heart of God. One way I plan on doing this is by once again writing in this blog as I work through a study, called Chase. This will serve a multitude of purposes for me:

  1. It help keep me accountable to friends and strangers who stumble across this blog. 
  2. It will help me organize my thoughts and process them, which in turn means they will make a bigger impact on me than just staying locked in away in my head. 
  3. The study I have chosen to work with is actually designed to be a small group study, however since mine just broke for the summer, I will instead use the internet as my small group :)
So here we go once more, on a journey to improve my spiritual health and to chase after the heart of God.