Thursday, January 15, 2009

Live for Christ

Today i read Philippians 1:20-30. And just reading these ten verses maybe me realized how much long this journey is that i am partaking. But I know that with the grace and mercy of God i will succeed. Anyways here are some of the verses that really touched me during my reading...

v20a: "For I fully expect and hope that i will never be ashamed, but that i will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past."
-unlike Paul, I am ashamed of my faith. In this world that we live in today, where everything has to PC and religion is looked down on, its easy to be ashamed of your faith. But isn't that Paul's point? that we aren't supposed to take the easy way out but instead to endure and grow stronger in our faith so that we may grow stronger in God. As i was telling my friend yesterday, its weird to me to write about God and Jesus so much cause its not something that i normally do. I mean yes i go to church, yes i have fellowship with Christians, but i don't really spend time alone with God, i don't spend time talking or writing about him. And when i do, it feels weird cause i feel like i will offend someone. Which i guess is what the devil wants. Even now as i am writing this blog, i feel the pressure of this world on me, telling me that what i am writing is too religious, not PC enough. So i guess there is something right about this then....hmmmm

v20b-21:" And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ whether I live or die. For to me, living means living for christ, and dying is even better."
- This where i hope to be someday, i hope to be able to say that i am living for Christ and that no matter what else is in my life that is the most important thing to me. I want to bring honor to Christ and to not be ashamed of him nor him to be ashamed of me.

v27: "Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News."
- I feel like with all the demonatations etc of Christianity that we are no longer on spirit and one purpose fighting together for the faith as Paul ditacts here. We have become segmented and broken. We have let the world tear us apart and now they laugh at us and our contradictions. However for me, and for many of our friends, believe that although the world many see the many fractions of Christainity, they do not see the truth of it. For the truth, in my mind at least, is that Christianity is not about the institution or teh church that you fellowship in, but it is rather centered about relationships. Relationships with believers and non-believers, relationships with family and relationships with God. That is the core of Christianity and sometime i feel as people forget this simple fact.

to be contined once i get back from lab

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